Bob Branstrom
to Grass Valley City Council
I am pleased to have the endorsement of members of our community, Read what some of them have to say below. See my complete list of endorsers here.
I'd love to have your endorsement, too. Please add your name to my growing list of endorsers here.
Still undecided? Hear all five candidates at the League of Women Voters Forum, held September 30.
What do people say about Bob?
Karen Hull, NID Director
"Bob is an exceptional leader and visionary who has added greatly to the vitality of our community by supporting the development and enhancement of public spaces. He is also fiscally responsible and ensures that finances in the city are properly managed."​
Denis and Barbara Drew
"Bob Branstrom won our support when he enthusiastically endorsed InConcert Sierra’s project to build an acoustic concert hall, black box theatre, and conference/event center in the Whispering Pines Business Park. His remarks at a public hearing by the Grass Valley City Council continue to inspire us as we work diligently to make this Crown Point Venue a reality."
Howard Levine, former Grass Valley Mayor
"Bob Branstrom has been a dedicated council member. Please, support Bob in this election!"
Tom Durkin, Union columnist and social justice advocate
"More of a statesman than a politician, Bob Branstrom approaches everything with an open mind and thoughtful consideration for all sides of each issue. He listens more than he talks. He has an excellent education and an experiential background that, combined with his calm and compassionate demeanor, has made him an informed voice of reason and restraint on the city council. Bob does his homework. He reads agenda packets, talks to stakeholders, does his own research, is involved in the community and is highly accessible. He genuinely wants to know what you think. He may or may not agree with you, but he will hear you out."
Alexis Alrich
"Bob Branstrom is an intelligent, hardworking and trustworthy city council member. I'm voting for him and endorse him heartily."
Suzanne Marriott
"Bob is a thoughtful and proactive council member with a sincere dedication to the welfare of Grass Valley. I hope to see him continue representing me on our council."
Joy Porter
"Such a leader with a huge heart for our community. Always open to your thoughts and ideas."
Rick Partridge
"It’s been great getting to know you. Thanks for your leadership on the GVCC."
Lang Waters
"I've known Bob for about 8 years now through local nonprofits and leadership pursuits. While not a full-fledged mentor, I learned a lot from Bob just watching how he deals with people. I heartily endorse Bob as a kind, principled, intelligent, and transparent leader that will advocate strongly for what he believes is right."
Teresa Poston
"I am endorsing Bob because he's smart, he listens, and he cares! He deserves another term on the City Council."
Sandra Boyd
"Bob Branstrom is the epitome of a representative for our community. I have spoken with him many times regarding issues facing Grass Valley starting back during Covid times and the revitalization of Mill Street. He is clearly a visionary who works well with the Council team to listen, respect, and implement actions based on input from local citizens. One example; my dog and I were accosted by an individual on Wolf Creek trail; I immediately contacted Bob about the situation and he directed me to come before the Council and how to present my concerns regarding the safety issues. He is truly a local treasure who will continue to impact positive change in our community. As a 3rd generation who grew up in Nevada City, I can confidently say that Grass Valley has definitely become the leader in our County for how government can impact our daily lives in a very positive way."
Norma Solarz
"Thanks for your clear thinking, fiscal responsibility, and service to Grass Valley."
Beverly Diaz
"Bob puts his whole heart into any endeavor of which he is a part. This is especially true of the town he loves so much. Bob has worked tirelessly for the city council and will continue to do this if reelected."
Thomas Burchfield
"Bob has been a fine responsive and responsible representative for Grass Valley residents!"
John and Valerie Bush
"Bob is intelligent, rational, and focused on the best for the community. We highly endorse him!"
Jacque Bromm
"Bob is very experienced in governance and finances. He is conscientious, helpful and a great listener. He cares about our community and is a very good neighbor."
Janet Bullock
"Smart, conscientious, fair-minded."
Deanna Bloom​
"Bob listens carefully, clearly expresses his views, and is a good neighbor."
Debbie Lindh
"Bob has been a great part of our awesome City Council team. Our incumbents know the ropes, care about our City and community. Bob is an important part of that team, he has my vote!!"
Nancy Morehouse
"Bob and I both live at Wolf Creek Lodge in Grass Valley. He puts in an incredible number of hours for our City Council. I endorse Bob Branstrom without reservations."
Karen Ratay​
"Bob is my downstairs neighbor. Good guy. Vote for Bob!"
Masha Goodman Crawford​
"Smart, honest, hardworking - an excellent council member. Re-elect Bob Branstrom!"
Nancy Piette
"Grass Valley is fortunate to have a councilmember as knowledgeable, responsive, caring, and hard-working as Bob Branstrom."
Pam Jung
"Bob is honest and that is saying a lot these days. He’s also smart."
Daniel Swartzendruber, NCCA--PAC Chairman
“Bob Branstrom has demonstrated thoughtful decision-making skills during his four years as a City Councilmember.”
Nevada County Democrats
Nevada County Contractors Association--PAC​
* * *
Heidi Hall, County Supervisor
Ricki Heck, NID Director
Karen Hull, NID Director
Debbie Lindh, GV School District Trustee
Tim May, Nevada County Board of Education Board Member
Rachel Rosenthal, Sierra College Trustee
Ed Scofield, County Supervisor
Lisa Swarthout, County Supervisor
* * *
Alexis Alrich
Jon Blinder
Sandra Boyd
Jacque Bromm
Kate Canan
Liz Coots
Jim Bair
Barbara Bashall
Deanna Bloom
Janet Bullock
Thomas Burchfield
Valerie and John Bush
Kate Canan
Tim and Kathy Collins
Masha Goodman Crawford
Beverly Diaz
Teresa Dietrich
Dee Anne Dinelli
Denis and Barbara Drew
Kate Duroux
Tom Durkin
Lori Burkhart Frank
Debbie Gibbs
Lynda Guthrie
Pamela Halloran
Scottie and Bruce Hart
Lauren Claire Hayes
Nancy and Steve Jefferey
Pam Jung
Sandy Knight
Howard Levine
Suzanne Marriott
Izzy Martin
Gil Mathew
Susan Merrill
Bob Miller
Nancy Morehouse
Christine M Newsom MD
Bill Osaki
Alex Palm
Rick Partridge
Nancy Piette
Joy Porter
Keith Porter
Teresa Poston
Karen Ratay
Heidi and Dan Raudy
Barbara and Don Rivenes
Norma Solarz
Jay Strauss
Virginia Thresh
Eliza Tudor
Peter Van Zant
Jonathan Walker
Lang Waters
Maureen Wilson