Bob Branstrom
to Grass Valley City Council

How do I represent you?
Council members play many roles. Here are examples of the ways I serve as your representative:
On the dais (4 years)
At community events (4 years)
As Grass Valley's representative to Nevada County Local Area Formation Commission (2 years)
As a member of the League of California Cities Environmental Quality Policy Committee (3 years) and Sacramento Region group (3 years)
(See details below.)
On the dias
Council members meet twice a month for regular meetings to conduct the city's business, as well as for occasional special meetings. Our role is to set policy, provide financial oversight, listen to community concerns, hold public hearings, and be a cheerleader for the good work of city staff and our many community organizations. Below are two samples of me representing you at council meetings. I encourage you to watch other meetings here. ​
InConcert Sierra's rezoning hearing. Putting their request in historical context, before voting to approve their request. (2 minutes)
Cascade Housing's user permit appeal hearing. Some tough questions before voting to deny their appeal. This was a very complex issue, abbreviated here to give the gist of my concerns. (3 minutes)
Community events
The City of Grass Valley and our local businesses and non-profit organizations have many events to celebrate our city and what is happening here. I enjoy representing my constituents at many of these events. Here are a few examples of events I have attended on behalf of my constituents.

Target Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting

Master Gardeners' Demonstration Garden Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Arbuckle

St. Piran's Day Pasty Toss. Lucky me--I won my match!

Crown Point Venues Groundbreaking

Nevada County Contractors Association Career Day
Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO)
LAFCO is the agency responsible for overseeing county agencies (except school districts) by approving new districts, dissolving or consolidating districts, annexing areas into existing districts, and reviewing the adequacy of services provided by those districts and cities.
Currently, the biggest issue we are dealing with is fire services provided by county agencies, at a time when costs have increased faster than revenues and wildfire risks have increased.

Local Area Formation Commission, Jan 2023

League of California Cities
The Environmental Quality Policy Committee evaluates a variety of legislative issues regarding the environment and makes recommendations to the League's Board of Directors. Topics addressed include water, fire, sea level rise, and the California Environmental Quality Act.
The Sacramento Region group, with city representatives from Northern California, meets regularly to share ideas and learn from each other.