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More comments about Bob

Nancy & Stephen Jeffery: Bob has the background and temperament to serve this city he loves! He would bring intelligence, curiosity, empathy, and strong analytical skills to the Council.


Gail Johnson Vaughan: I'm supporting Bob Branstrom -- for his intelligent and heart-centered approach to the decisions that impact my life and yours.


Lori Burkart Frank: Bob loves Grass Valley. He is intelligent. He is involved in the community. And, he is well informed on local issues. These are the qualities I look for in my representatives.


Chris Newsom, MD: Bob is the kind of wise, clear-thinking leader our community needs to help reconcile what divides us, and work to achieve what can bring us together.


Sandra Rockman: Bob is a positive thinker and a very personable man. I'm sure he will graciously offer his extensive experience, background and wisdom to the GV City Council.


Susan Davis: He is experienced in facilitating collaboration and consensus, and this is something very much needed in our community right now.


Kathy Triolo: Bob is a compassionate man who does his homework. He's smart, articulate and caring! I definitely would want him in a leadership roll.


Walt McNeill: Good guy. Smart and enthusiastic.


Marilyn Nyborg: I know Bob to be a good man, open minded, good listener, and is in service to our community. Did I say....also very smart guy!


Bob Miller: I have known Bob for many years as a neighbor in an active community. He works diligently to understand the details of an issue. He demonstrates a strong work ethic in promoting well considered solutions.


Eric and Frannie Jorgensen: Bob is a thoughtful consensus builder.


David Whitehead: His approach is respectful and caring. He knows science and truth are key to solving the problems before us. He also knows how to involve all voices to achieve buy-in.


Meredith Cherry: Bob has demonstrated time and again that he is willing to go above and beyond to help a stranger, to support our community, and to do what is needed.


Janice Rosner: Bob has a depth and breadth of experience and education that will be a real asset to the city council.


Sushila Mertens: As a retired Grass Valley librarian, I appreciate Bob does his research on every issue.


Karen Tricomi: How great would it be to have our elected officials all have a scientific background, which requires critical thinking skills? He has them, and uses them.


Brad Miller, MD: Bob will bring a thoughtful voice and valuable perspective to the GV City Council.


Clara Miller: Bob is a reliable, hard working individual, with good attention to the details.


Shera Banbury: He’s able to look at issues from all sides, which is very important in these difficult times.


Shannon Cotter: Bob has a proven track record of volunteerism and community engagement.


Jeff and Gale Peach: We met Bob through the Nevada County Coalition of Firewise Communities and have been impressed with his knowledge and concern for our community.


Tom Durkin: As a professional analyst, he is especially qualified to serve as a Grass Valley council member.


Jacque Bromm: I have been Bob's neighbor ever since he moved to Grass Valley. I know how involved he has been in attending meetings and how dedicated he has been in supporting our wonderful Wolf Creek Trail.


Reed Hamilton: I believe Bob will diversify the Council and work hard to protect our community from unwise development, climate change, and divisive politics.


Kitty Williamson: He is dedicated to public service and has become very knowledgeable in local issues including the risks of wildfire, proposals to impact the water supply, and homelessness. He will work to build consensus on solutions.


Norma Solarz, DDS: Bob has the ability to think critically and perseveres to get the job done!


Kwong Chew: Bob is a most thorough and detailed person and what little he doesn't know, he will meticulously study.


Robert & Dawn Bateman: Bob is knowledgeable about the workings of the City of Grass Valley and regularly attends Council and Planning Commission meetings to keep himself informed.


Jodi Benson: I fully & eagerly endorse you as a candidate who will bring more healing & care for Grass Valley.


Shirley Fenile: Bob cares. He loves it here. Rolls up his sleeves. Takes it all in consciously. His decisions are fair, after analyzing all aspects. He's a deep thinker with a kind heart.


Jenny Hale: Bob is a high integrity, compassionate, and action oriented citizen.


Colleen Morris: I trust his judgment and his sincerity.


Deleaua Shannon: Bob is respectful, listens carefully, encourages discourse from people of differing views, and forms an opinion only after considering all aspects of the problem at hand.


Lisa Schliff: Educated, knowledgeable, compassionate.


Don Feil: Bob Branstrom is intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable about the issues, challenges, and opportunities facing our community.


Franceska Alexander: Bob has always been an informed Nevada County citizen.


Margie Joehnck: HIs sense of responsibility, teamwork, and ability to analyse and strategize is extraordinary.


Joyce Rasmussen: Bob will always choose to do what he thinks is best for Grass Valley.


Suzanne Marriott: Bob would be an excellent City Council member.


Geo Gaile: Insightful, visionary, authentic, and listens to the pulse of his community and beyond.

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